My inspiration derives from the relationship and tension between structures and their surroundings. My workflows between adding or removing elements from encounters, with materiality and the residual memory. The perception of an object within the space and the playful result.

Everyday life implies ambiguity. Repeated actions tend to merge with objects; literally, the day-to-day coming into confrontation with needs and desires bordering on banality and alienation. I engage between beauty and meaninglessness with an aesthetic appreciation of everyday objects creating equilibrium between them. Nevertheless, I intend to compute this notion of beauty and aesthetic beautifully beyond the ordinariness of the object and question how beauty becomes a fetish of daily life. Beyond this accomplish of the everydayness in its temporal meaning and problem that overlap the consumerism.

The Untitled series represent these values through intrinsic functionality. The relation between beauty and meaninglessness is beyond desire. It's essentially I driven suggesting experimentation behind the original boundaries and the everyday banality. Symbolizes for me a perfect balance, outside the formal structure and more than that, a search of confrontation between the everyday objects, and uses uselessness transformed into beauty and meaninglessness sculptures.